
shit finally hit the fan
and it hit my eyes, ears, nose, my entire face
God wiped it clean
stayed in front of me
His words surrounded me
make sure I'm in His security
you realized all they've done to damage God's name and glory
only drives you closer to His grace

This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it."

For the Lord is a God of justice.






我不求每天要過得快快樂樂 但至少給自己找點活在這世界的理由,很多人注定就是個悲傷的靈魂,或許就注定找不到存活的理由。


"Be yourself, be original, be who you are, stop caring too much." Can these good vibe motto apply to Christians' daily practice? We all become the person that God wants us to become but with that one same ingredient, that one same format.

Again are these motto overrated?  If being original means being spiteful, and apathetic do people still encourage it?  And what's wrong with being indifferent?  If one grew up in an absence of love and caring do we ask too much out of this person?
I found it disturbing that a lot of feminists need their the other half to be masculine.


anger management

things not going my way

warning w/o cursing

realizing not working

commanding with threatening voice

still not working

dropping f bombs

starting to work

dopping more f bombs

things going my way

feeling guilty

feeling sad
